
Retail Management System

Providing Complete Point of Sale and Retail Management Systems
Since 1980 DBMS Inc. has been providing quality, high performance Point of Sale and Retail Management systems. DBMS Inc. is proud to provide a complete solution for your retail business with our KEY-POS retail management system providing Point of Sale integration.
KEY-POS was designed from the ground up with emphasis on performance, control, flexibility, information tracking, and presentation. Dollar-for-dollar, no other system matches the power and features of KEY-POS.
KEY-POS uses only industry standard PC and POS equipment and a true multiuser operating system/database to provide outstanding performance at an affordable price. The system's centralized design insures data integrity and complete integration no matter how many users are on the system.
At DBMS, our #1 priority is Satisfied Customers. The system was designed to be easy to learn, use, and operate on a day-to-day basis. You'll find no complicated day, week, or month-end procedures in the system nor any time-consuming posting, updating, or closing processes. All information is updated live, automatically!
You are never alone with KEY-POS. All systems are assembled and tested at our facility and are delivered to you with all software loaded and configured. Plug it in and away you go with turnkey installation options.
The system is fully documented with a comprehensive user manual and DBMS periodically publishes additional documentation for special situations. In addition, support assistance is just a phone call away and our support rates are some of the lowest in the industry!
Your investment in KEY-POS is always protected. Based primarily on input and suggestions from our users, DBMS regularly releases updates for the system which add new features, reports, etc., and keeps you on the cutting edge of proven retail systems technology.
We urge you to compare KEY-POS to other retail systems. You'll find that feature for feature, KEY-POS beats the competition hands down.